Friday, August 29, 2008

Not only the bees, the birds too

For the past two weeks I would be either heading to my office or out
to the greenhouse and I would see a goldfinch feasting on the seeds of
the coneflower in our parking lot. I would run up to the second floor
to grab my camera to snag a picture for my blog, but these finches
seemed to sense when I was about to snap a picture and take off.

I haven't given up, but I didn't want to miss the opportunity to talk
about one of my favorite Summer perennials. Echinacea also known as
cone flowers have changes quite a bit in the past several years.
Flowers range in color from pink to purple to white to yellow to
orange. Depending on the variety they can grow anywhere from 12 to 36
inches. They do best in full sun, and attract butterflies and a few

It seems though after I start talking about them, I also neglect
talking about how finches just love their seeds. I won't give up on my quest to catch them
action, and will be posting a picture in the near future. (of course if I'm wrong and I keep missing them I'll just post a large frowny face.)

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