Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Which magnolia is it?

I get a lot of questions as to which magnolia is currently in bloom. I
took this photo today. The one that us pictures is the star
magnolia. Magnolia stellata.

The star magnolia is one of the earliest to bloom. It has small pure
white flowers. The mature height is between ten and fifteen feet
tall. If I had to choose, I would pick this one since it js the least
messy if the Spring blooming magnolias. Our weather has been running
a bit cooler this year than last year it is actually starting to
flower later than normal.

The other popular Spring magnolia is the saucer magnolia. Magnolia
soulangiana. The saucer magnolia grows quite a bit larger than the
star magnolia. It will grow twenty to thirty feet tall and has large
pink or purple flowers. The flowers are so large and plentiful that
they can cover the lawn when finished blooming.

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